Helpful Links
Please see our links below for support on various issues and topics.
Veteran Affairs Canada
Canadian Military Discount Info
Military Heritage Archives
Royal Canadian Legion - Ontario Command
Royal Canadian Legion - Dominion Command
Veteran Affairs Disability Pension
If you were in the navy, Veterans Affairs is obligated to compensate veterans and their families who have contracted disease as a result of exposure to asbestos. Merchant marines can also be compensated if the ships that they sailed on were known to have contained asbestos. In practice – but not exclusively – this means navy veterans exposed to asbestos onboard their ships.
Additional information can be found by clicking on the links below.
​Link to The Canadian Society of Asbesto Victims
Link to Mesothelioma Center for Asbestos Victims
Link to Veterans with Pleural Mesothelioma
Link to Mesothelioma Justice Network
​Substance Abuse Information
The Recovery Village Cherry Hill at Cooper
Active Duty Military Personnel and Alcoholism
Wounded Warriors Canada and The Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command announced in April 2018 a new service dog partnership